Deep Learning Foundation

Deep Learning Foundation

Nanodegree key: nd101

Version: 1.0.0

Locale: en-us

Learn about foundational topics in the exciting field of deep learning, the technology behind state-of-the-art artificial intelligence.


Part 01 : Neural Networks

Neural network is the bedrock to deep learning. In this section, you’ll learn how it works and test your ability by building a neural network from scratch.

Part 02 : Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional neural network is the standard for solving vision problems. It’s used in self driving cars, face recognition, medical imaging, and a whole lot more! You’ll learn how this neural network works and apply to a image classification problem.

Part 03 : Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent neural network is great for predicting on sequential data like music and text. With this neural network, you can generate new music, translate a language, or predict a seizure using an electroencephalogram. This section will teach you how to build and train a recurrent neural.

Part 04 : Generative Adversarial Networks

Generative adversarial networks are a type of unsupervised learning where two neural networks compete against each other. This is commonly used to generate image data. You’ll learn how to build your own generative adversarial network and pit two neural networks against each other.

Part 05 : Guaranteed Admission into your next Nanodegree

Utilize your guaranteed admission and enroll into a Career-Ready Nanodegree Program

Part 06 (Elective): Introductions

Get introduced to the Nanodegree Foundation program, as well as cover some basics to get you up to speed.

Part 07 (Elective): Neural Networks

Neural networks are the bedrock to deep learning. In this section, you’ll learn how they work and test your ability by building a neural network from scratch.

Part 08 (Elective): Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional neural network is the standard for solving vision problems. It’s used in self driving cars, face recognition, medical imaging, and a whole lot more! You’ll learn how this neural network works and apply to a image classification problem.

Part 09 (Elective): Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent neural network is great for predicting on sequential data like music and text. With this neural network, you can generate new music, translate a language, or predict a seizure using an electroencephalogram. This section will teach you how to build and train a recurrent neural.

Part 10 (Elective): Generative Adversarial Networks

Generative adversarial networks are a type of unsupervised learning where two neural networks compete against each other. This is commonly used to generate image data. You’ll learn how to build your own generative adversarial network and pit two neural networks against each other.

Part 11 (Elective): Deep Reinforcement Learning

Use Reinforcement Learning algorithms like Q-Learning to train artificial agents to take optimal actions in an environment.